Fashion Roundtable champion Made in Britain PPE

Fashion Roundtable champion Made in Britain PPE

The British fashion industry unite to supply face masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) to frontline workers

Since the Covid-19 (Cornonavirus) pandemic took hold in the UK, the British fashion industry have united to find a way to produce and supply face masks, aprons and scrubs known as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to frontline workers. Britain currently relies on importing PPE from oversea (including from China) yet with a huge worldwide demand for PPE, the UK fashion industry want to ensure that we can produce PPE in the UK so we are not left without vital protection.

Over the past weeks, Black Neon Digital have worked with Fashion Roundtable on a UK end-to-end procurement strategy with stakeholders including designers, manufacturers, the UK Cabinet and the Department for International Trade (DIT). As a result, there are now two organisations ready to make PPE in the UK. 

In order to produce PPE for the NHS, the type of fabric, method of construction, conditions of manufacture and distribution must adhere to safety checks, hence the division between groups to produce for different needs. Kate Hills, Founder of Make It British has brought together UK manufacturers who have the ability to produce at scale and under industrial conditions PPE for frontline workers. This group of manufacturers up and down the country, newly formed as the British Textile Consortium are able to supply PPE to the Government for distribution to the NHS. Independent designers, Phoebe English, Holly Fulton and Bethany Williams have been uniting the smaller design studios and at home makes who aim to fulfil short-term needs for keyworkers as a voluntary endeavour called the Emergency Designer Network (who can be contacted via email).

What has been incredible to witness is the level of collaboration between suppliers and brands. Historically, seen as a competitive advantage, fashion has a tendency to keep supply chain (factories and distribution) and manufacturing information (design, technical specs and costings) to themselves. Now we are seeing the supply chain come together to create solidarity in a historic time of change. Collaboration over individual aims, real unity. We have also been in contact with overseas contacts working in a similar way in Italy and beyond. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Fashion Roundtable continues to act as policy and public affairs advisors for both organisations and can be contacted via email. For media enquiries contact Black Neon Digital.

Press coverage:

VOGUE Bethany Williams On Mobilising Support For Homeless Mothers & NHS Workers Without Scrubs by Alice Newbold

FINANCIAL TIMES Fashion houses find creative ways to help in fight against Covid-19

DRAPERS Fashion suppliers' NHS rescue mission by Harriet Brown

DRAPERS British manufacturers unite to help frontline workers by Isabella Fish

BBC News Coronavirus: UK ‘wasting time’ on NHS protective gear orders by Simon Browning

Header image: A Swarovski crystal-studded pollution mask by Masha Ma S/S15


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